lars 80337411ae URLs changed to new plugin addressing scheme
svn:keywords set
fixed: shutdown - delay reboot/poweroff by some seconds to finish the web page before
added: format_fs - show link to umount in case of active device
added: new plugin "language_selection"
fixed: recently introduced syntax error in 'network'
added: "volume_props" mentions encryption support via "format_fs" (including link)
updated: plugin-interface.txt
fixed: broken test case for date plugin (caused by twill, I guess)
added: "partition" plugin - better handling of config partition
2006-11-06 06:17:22 +00:00

50 lines
1,020 B

Name = Create filesystems
Link = Format
Title.Format = Initializing filesystem
Button.Format = Initialize filesystem
Text {
Confirm = Yes, I know what I am doing!
FSType = Filesystem type
IsEncrypted = Encryption
Yes = Yes
No = No
AdviceMessage {
FormatWarning {
Text = All data of the selected filesystem will get lost!
UnmountBeforeInit {
Text = You must deactivate this volume before you may initialize it.
Link.Text = Deactive volume now
Link.Rel = volume_mount = action
Link.Attr1.value = umount = redirect
Link.Attr2.value = format_fs
SuccessMessage {
FormatSuccess {
Title = Formatting successful
Text = The selected filesystem was successfully formatted.
WarningMessage {
FormatNotConfirmed {
Title = Confirmation missing
Text = You did not confirm this action by activating the checkbox.
FormatFailed {
Title = Formatting failed
Text = Formatting of the selected filesystem failed for unknown reasons - sorry!