2006-09-14 18:21:55 +00:00

134 lines
3.4 KiB

import re
import subprocess
import imp
import os
import logging
import CryptoBoxTools
PartTypes = {
"linux" : "L",
"windows" : "0xC"}
logger = logging.getLogger("CryptoBox")
def doAction(hdf, cbox, **args):
step = args["step"]
del args["step"]
except KeyError:
step = "select_device"
if step == "add_partition":
return __actionAddPartition(hdf, cbox, args)
if step == "del_partition":
return __actionDelPartition(hdf, cbox, args)
elif step == "finish":
return __actionFinish(hdf, cbox, args)
else: # for "select_device" and for invalid targets
return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args)
def getStatus(cbox):
#return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % __getCurrentIP(cbox)
return "TODO"
def __isDeviceValid(device, cbox):
if not cbox.isDeviceAllowed(device):
return False
if not device in CryptoBoxTools.getParentBlockDevices():
return False
def __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args):
block_devices = [e
for e in CryptoBoxTools.getParentBlockDevices()
if cbox.isDeviceAllowed(e)]
counter = 0
for a in block_devices:
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.BlockDevices.%d" % counter] = a
cbox.log.debug("found a suitable block device: %s" % a)
counter += 1
return "select_device"
def __actionAddPartition(hdf, cbox, args):
device = args["block_device"]
except KeyError:
return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args)
#FIXME: the following check should obviuosly get reversed
if __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args)
size = __getDeviceSize(device)
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device"] = device
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device.Size"] = size
parts = __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, size)
__setPartitionData(hdf, parts, size)
return "set_partitions"
def __actionDelPartition(hdf, cbox, args):
device = args["block_device"]
except KeyError:
return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args)
#FIXME: the following check should obviuosly get reversed
if __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args)
size = __getDeviceSize(device)
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device"] = device
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device.Size"] = size
parts = __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, size)
__setPartitionData(hdf, parts[:-1], size)
return "set_partitions"
def __setPartitionData(hdf, parts, size):
availSize = size
i = 0
for part in parts:
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Parts.%d.Size" % i] = part["size"]
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Parts.%d.Type" % i] = part["type"]
availSize -= part["size"]
i += 1
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.availSize"] = availSize
for t in PartTypes.keys():
hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Types.%s" % t] = t
def __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, maxSize):
parts = []
done = False
availSize = maxSize
i = -1
while not done:
i += 1
size = int(args["part%d_size" % i])
partType = args["part%d_type" % i]
if int(size) > availSize: continue
if int(size) <= 0: continue
if not partType in PartTypes.keys(): continue
parts.append({"size":size, "type":partType})
availSize -= size
except TypeError:
except KeyError:
done = True
return parts
def __getDeviceSize(device):
rdev = os.stat(device).st_rdev
minor = os.minor(rdev)
major = os.major(rdev)
for f in file("/proc/partitions"):
elements = f.split()
if len(elements) != 4: continue
if (int(elements[0]) == major) and (int(elements[1]) == minor):
return int(elements[2])
except ValueError:
return 0