lars 0c23c5e2c3 fixed: name of volume is persistent after format
fixed: use 'cryptsetup luksUUID' to retrieve UUIDs of luks devices
added: analyse request URL andd add information to hdf dataset
added: attribute 'device' is persistent (like 'weblang') to allow redirects between volume plugins
changed: moved URLs of plugins from 'plugins/???' to '???' (flat hierarchie -> simple links)
added: new action for all plugins: "redirect" - call specific plugin after completing the current one
fixed: permission fix for vfat filesystems during mount / for ext2/3: after mount
regular checks for config partition (mount, if it becomes available)
2006-11-06 06:16:27 +00:00

84 lines
2.1 KiB

# comma separated list of possible prefixes for accesible devices
# beware: .e.g "/dev/hd" grants access to _all_ harddisks
AllowedDevices = /dev/loop, /dev/ubdb
# use sepepate config partition? (1=yes / 0=no)
UseConfigPartition = 1
# the default name prefix of not unnamed containers
DefaultVolumePrefix = "Disk "
# which cipher should cryptsetup-luks use?
#TODO: uml does not support this module - DefaultCipher = aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
DefaultCipher = aes-plain
# label of the configuration partition (you should never change this)
ConfigVolumeLabel = cbox_config
# where should we mount volumes?
# this directory must be writeable by the cryptobox user (see above)
MountParentDir = /var/cache/cryptobox/mnt
# settings directory: contains name database and plugin configuration
SettingsDir = /var/cache/cryptobox/settings
# where are the clearsilver templates?
#TemplateDir = /usr/share/cryptobox/templates
TemplateDir = ../templates
# path to language files
#LangDir = /usr/share/cryptobox/lang
LangDir = ../lang
# path to documentation files
#DocDir = /usr/share/doc/cryptobox/html
DocDir = ../doc/html
# path to the plugin directory
#PluginDir = /usr/share/cryptobox/plugins
PluginDir = ../plugins
# possible values are "debug", "info", "warn" and "error" or numbers from
# 0 (debug) to 7 (error)
Level = debug
# where to write the log messages to?
# possible values are: file
# syslog support will be added later
Destination = file
# depending on the choosen destination (see above) you may select
# details. Possible values for the different destinations are:
# file: $FILENAME
# syslog: $LOG_FACILITY
#Details = /var/log/cryptobox.log
Details = ./cryptobox.log
# URL of default stylesheet
Stylesheet = /cryptobox-misc/cryptobox.css
# default language
Language = de
cryptsetup = /sbin/cryptsetup
mkfs-data = /sbin/mkfs.ext3
blkid = /sbin/blkid
blockdev = /sbin/blockdev
mount = /bin/mount
umount = /bin/umount
super = /usr/bin/super
# this is the "program" name as defined in /etc/
CryptoBoxRootActions = CryptoBoxRootActions