Name = english Status = $Id$ Title { Top = The CryptoBox Slogan = Privacy for the rest of us. Init = CryptoBox initialization Config = CryptoBox configuration System = System Status = Status Volume = Volume AccessDenied = Access denied } Text { AccessDenied = Sorry - you did not enter the appropriate credentials! EnterCurrentCryptoPassword = Enter the crypto password EnterNewCryptoPassword = Enter the new crypto password EnterSameCryptoPassword = Repeat the new crypto password EnterCurrentAdminPassword = Enter the current administration password EnterNewAdminPassword = Enter the new administration password EnterSameAdminPassword = Repeat the new administration password PartitionInfo = Current partioning of the disk: IPAddress = Network address (IP) of the CryptoBox: TimeOut = Timeout for deactivation of the encrypted filesystem (in minutes): SelectLanguage = Language preferences: RedirectNote = Click here if your browser does not support automatic redirection. ProjectHomePage = Website of project ProjectNote = The CryptoBox is a project of Configuration = Configuration CryptoIsActive = The encrypted data is accessible. CryptoIsDown = The encrypted data is protected from any access. ChoosePartition = Which container do you want to enable? ChosenPartition = The chosen container is ActivePartitions = The following containers are enabled PassivePartitions = The following containers are disabled ContainerName = Container's name ContainerEncryption = Enable encryption } Button { DoInit = Initialization SaveConfig = Save configuration Update = Refresh Config = Configuration Documentation = Help Status = Status System = System InitContainer = Initialize container } WarningMessage { EmptyCryptoPassword { Title = Missing crypto password Text = You have to enter a crypto password! } EmptyNewCryptoPassword { Title = Missing new crypto password Text = You have to enter a new crypto password! } DifferentCryptoPasswords { Title = Crypto passwords do not match Text = Both entered passwords have to be identical to ensure this is the desired password. } DifferentAdminPasswords { Title = Administration passwords do not match Text = Both entered passwords have to be identical to ensure this is the desired password. } WrongAdminPassword { Title = Wrong Administration password Text = The entered administration password is wrong. Please try again. } NotInitialized { Title = No configuration found Text = The CryptoBox has not yet been configured. } InitNotFinished { Title = Initialization not yet completed Text = Initialization will be completed in a few minutes. After completed initialization this action will become available. } AlreadyConfigured { Title = Configuration found Text = The CryptoBox has already been configured. If you initialize again, all data will be deleted! } InvalidLanguage { Title = Invalid language Text = The selected language is not available! } ConfigLanguageFailed { Title = Error during change of language preferences Text = The language preferences could not be changed! } NoDiskAvailableForMount { Title = No partition available Text = There is no unused container available. Maybe all containers are already mounted? } NoDiskAvailableForUmount { Title = No partition available Text = There is no active container available for turning off. Maybe there is no active container? } InvalidDevice { Title = Invalid device Text = The device you have chosen is invalid! } InvalidType { Title = Unknown type Text = The type of this volume is unknown. } VolumeMayNotBeMounted { Title = The container is mounted Text = This action is not available while the container is active. Please turn it off first. } } SuccessMessage { InitRunning { Title = Initialization running Text = The initialization will be completed in background. You may configure it now and activate the encrypted filesystem in a few minutes. } ConfigSaved { Title = Configuration saved Text = The new settings have been accepted. } PowerOff { Title = Shutdown Text = The CryptoBox is currently going to halt. In a few seconds you can power it off (in case this does not happen automatically). } ReBoot { Title = Reboot Text = The CryptoBox is currently rebooting. In a few seconds it will be available again. Please wait - you will get redirected, when the reboot has finished. } } ErrorMessage { UnknownAction { Title = Unknown action Text = You have requested an undefined action. } NoSSL { Title = Unencrypted connection Text = The CryptoBox only accepts encrypted connections (https), so the password is safe from curious eyes. The encrypted connection will be established in a few seconds. } InitFailed { Title = Initialization failed Text = Please send the logfiles (see above) to the developers of the CryptoBox ( } NoHardDisk { Title = No hard disk Text = No disk suitable for an encrypted filesystem found. Please ensure the BIOS detected the disk during power-on of the computer. } NoDocumentation { Title = No documentation Text = There is no documentation available! } }