Name = Disk partitioning Link = Disk partitioning Rank = 80 Title.Partition = Disk partitions Button { SelectDevice = Repartition disk AddPartition = Add DelPartition = Remove SavePartitions = Write new partition table AbortPartitions = Cancel } Text { FS { Type = Filesystem type Fat = FAT (Windows) Ext2 = Ext2 Ext3 = Ext3 Reiser = Reiser } PartNum = Id PartType = Type Size = Size (MB) SelectDevice = Choose a disk for partitioning WarningMessage = If you continue, you will destroy all data on the choosen disk. Please be careful! ProgressInfo = Progress of formatting: } SuccessMessage { Partitioned { Title = Partitioning complete Text = The disk was partitioned successfully. } } WarningMessage { NoDisksAvailable { Title = No disks found Text = No suitable disks found - please check your configuration and hardware setup. } PartitioningFailed { Title = Partitioning failed Text = The partitioning of the device failed for some reason - sorry! } FormattingFailed { Title = Formatting failed Text = The formatting of the filesystems of the device failed - sorry! } DiskIsBusy { Title = This disk is busy Text = Please deactivate all containers of this disk before partitioning. } PartitionTooBig { Title = Invalid size Text = The container size you entered exceeded the available size of the disk. } PartitionTooSmall { Title = Invalid size Text = The minimum size of a container is 10 megabytes. } }