try: import neo_cgi, neo_util, neo_cs except: print "could not import clearsilver modules! Try apt-get install python-clearsilver." class CryptoBoxWebserverRender: def render(self, website): ''' render a clearsilver template and return the result. gets: - path to clearsilver template - dictionary with settings (optional) - path to hdf dataset (optional) ''' ## overload to the max"rendering site: "+website.settings["Data.Action"]+" "+str(website.settings)) cs_path = website.cbxPrefs["Settings"]["TemplateDir"]+"/main.cs" hdf_path = website.cbxPrefs["Settings"]["LangDir"]+"/"+website.cbxPrefs["Settings"]["Language"]+".hdf" hdf = neo_util.HDF() if hdf_path != "": hdf.readFile(hdf_path) for key in website.settings.keys(): hdf.setValue(key,str(website.settings[key])) cs = neo_cs.CS(hdf) cs.parseFile(cs_path) return cs.render()