import re import subprocess import imp import os import logging import CryptoBoxTools PartTypes = { "linux" : "L", "windows" : "0xC"} logger = logging.getLogger("CryptoBox") def doAction(hdf, cbox, **args): try: step = args["step"] del args["step"] except KeyError: step = "select_device" if step == "add_partition": return __actionAddPartition(hdf, cbox, args) if step == "del_partition": return __actionDelPartition(hdf, cbox, args) elif step == "finish": return __actionFinish(hdf, cbox, args) else: # for "select_device" and for invalid targets return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) def getStatus(cbox): return "TODO" def __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): ## TODO: also check for "is device busy" add output a warning if not cbox.isDeviceAllowed(device): return False if not device in CryptoBoxTools.getParentBlockDevices(): return False return True def __isDeviceBusy(device, cbox): """check if the device (or one of its partitions) is mounted""" for c in cbox.getContainerList(): if re.match(device + "\d*$", c.getDevice()): if c.isMounted(): return True return False def __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args): block_devices = [e for e in CryptoBoxTools.getParentBlockDevices() if cbox.isDeviceAllowed(e)] counter = 0 for a in block_devices: hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.BlockDevices.%d" % counter] = a cbox.log.debug("found a suitable block device: %s" % a) counter += 1 ## there is no disk available if not block_devices: hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.partition.NoDisksAvailable" return "select_device" def __actionAddPartition(hdf, cbox, args): try: device = args["block_device"] except KeyError: return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if not __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if __isDeviceBusy(device, cbox): hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.partition.DiskIsBusy" return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) size = __getDeviceSize(device) hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device"] = device hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device.Size"] = size parts = __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, size) __setPartitionData(hdf, parts, size) return "set_partitions" def __actionDelPartition(hdf, cbox, args): try: device = args["block_device"] part_num = int(args["del_num"]) except (TypeError,KeyError): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if not __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if __isDeviceBusy(device, cbox): hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.partition.DiskIsBusy" return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) size = __getDeviceSize(device) hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device"] = device hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Device.Size"] = size parts = __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, size) ## valid partition number to be deleted? if part_num < len(parts): del parts[part_num] else: return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) __setPartitionData(hdf, parts, size) return "set_partitions" def __actionFinish(hdf, cbox, args): try: device = args["block_device"] except KeyError: return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if not __isDeviceValid(device, cbox): return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) if __isDeviceBusy(device, cbox): hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.partition.DiskIsBusy" return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) size = __getDeviceSize(device) parts = __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, size) if parts: if not __runFDisk(cbox, device, parts): hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.partition.PartitioningFailed" return __actionAddPartition(hdf, cbox, args) else: hdf["Data.Success"] = "Plugins.partition.Partitioned" cbox.reReadContainerList() return "form_system" else: return __actionSelectDevice(hdf, cbox, args) def __setPartitionData(hdf, parts, size): availSize = size i = 0 for part in parts: logger.debug(part) hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Parts.%d.Size" % i] = part["size"] hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Parts.%d.Type" % i] = part["type"] availSize -= part["size"] i += 1 hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.availSize"] = availSize for t in PartTypes.keys(): hdf["Data.Plugins.partition.Types.%s" % t] = t def __getPartitionsFromArgs(args, maxSize): parts = [] done = False availSize = maxSize i = -1 while not done: i += 1 try: size = int(args["part%d_size" % i]) partType = args["part%d_type" % i] if int(size) > availSize: continue if int(size) <= 0: continue if not partType in PartTypes.keys(): continue parts.append({"size":size, "type":partType}) availSize -= size except TypeError: pass except KeyError: done = True return parts def __getDeviceSize(device): rdev = os.stat(device).st_rdev minor = os.minor(rdev) major = os.major(rdev) for f in file("/proc/partitions"): try: elements = f.split() if len(elements) != 4: continue if (int(elements[0]) == major) and (int(elements[1]) == minor): return int(elements[2])/1024 except ValueError: pass return 0 def __runFDisk(cbox, device, parts): proc = subprocess.Popen( shell = False, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, args = [ cbox.prefs["Programs"]["super"], cbox.prefs["Programs"]["CryptoBoxRootActions"], "plugin", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""), "partition", device]) import logging logger = logging.getLogger("CryptoBox") for line in __getSFDiskLayout(parts): proc.stdin.write(line + "\n") (output, error) = proc.communicate() if error: logger.debug("partitioning failed: %s" % error) return proc.returncode == 0 def __getSFDiskLayout(paramParts): parts = paramParts[:] ## first a primary partition yield ",%d,%s,*" % (parts[0]["size"], PartTypes[parts[0]["type"]]) del parts[0] if not parts: return yield ",,E" # extended container for the rest yield ";" # empty partition in main table yield ";" # another empty partition in main table while parts: yield ",%d,%s" % (parts[0]["size"], PartTypes[parts[0]["type"]]) del parts[0]