#  Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <senselab@systemausfall.org>
#  License:  This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
#            of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# the web interface of the CryptoBox


use strict;
use CGI;
use ClearSilver;
use ConfigFile;
use English;
use CGI::Carp;
use IO::File;
use POSIX;

use constant CRYPTOBOX_VERSION => 0.3;

# debug levels
use constant DEBUG_NONE => 0;
use constant DEBUG_ERROR => 1;
use constant DEBUG_WARN => 2;
use constant DEBUG_INFO => 3;

# drop privileges

# necessary for suid perl scripts (see 'man perlsec' for details)
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};   # Make %ENV safer

my $CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cryptobox/cryptobox.conf';

my $pagedata;


# get the directory of the cryptobox scripts/binaries and untaint it
$CB_SCRIPT = $0;
$CB_SCRIPT =~ m/^(.*)\/[^\/]*$/;
$CB_SCRIPT = ($1)? "$1/cbox-manage.sh" : './cbox-manage.sh';

&fatal_error ("could not find configuration file ($CONFIG_FILE)") unless (-e $CONFIG_FILE);
my $config = ConfigFile::read_config_file($CONFIG_FILE);

$LOG_FILE = $config->{LOG_FILE};
$DOC_DIR = $config->{DOC_DIR};
$IS_DEVEL = ( -e $config->{DEV_FEATURES_SCRIPT});
if (defined($config->{DEBUG_LEVEL})) {
} else {
	$DEBUG_LEVEL = DEBUG_ERROR;		# default debug level

my $query = new CGI;

#################### subs ######################

# for fatal errors without the chance of clearsilver-rendering
sub fatal_error() {
	my $message = shift;

	print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
	print "<html><head><title>CryptoBox</title></head>\n";
	print "<body>\n";
	print '<h1 align="center">' . $message . "</h1>\n";
	print "</body></html>\n";
	die "[CryptoBox]: $message";

sub debug_msg() {
	my ($level, $message) = @_;
	return 0 unless ($level >= $DEBUG_LEVEL);
	warn "[cryptobox]: $message";

sub load_hdf {
	my $hdf = ClearSilver::HDF->new();

	my $fname = "$HTML_TEMPLATE_DIR/main.cs";
	&fatal_error ("Template directory is invalid ($fname not found)!") unless (-e "$fname");

	&fatal_error ("Documentation directory ($DOC_DIR) not found!") unless (-d "$DOC_DIR");

	# if it was requested as directory index (link from index.html), we should
	# set a real script name - otherwise links with a query string will break
	# ignore POST part of the SCRIPT_NAME (after "&")
	(my $script_url = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}) =~ m/^[^&]*/;
	$hdf->setValue("ScriptName", ($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} eq '/')? '/cryptobox' : $script_url );

	# set stylesheet url



	return $hdf;

sub load_selected_language {
	my $data = shift;
	my $config_language;

	# load $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE - this is necessary, if a translation is incomplete
	$data->readFile("$LANGUAGE_DIR/$DEFAULT_LANGUAGE" . ".hdf");

	# load configured language, if it is valid
	$config_language = &get_cbox_config("language");
	$config_language = $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE unless (&validate_language("$config_language"));

	# check for preferred browser language, if the box was not initialized yet
	if ( ! &check_config())
		my $prefLang = &get_browser_language();
		# take it, if a supported browser language was found
		$config_language = $prefLang unless ($prefLang eq '');

	######### temporary language setting? ############
	# the default language can be overriden by the language links in the
	# upper right of the page
	if ($query->param('weblang')) {
		my $weblang = $query->param('weblang');
		if (&validate_language($weblang)) {
			# load the data
			$config_language = "$weblang";
			# add the setting to every link
			# how it should be done now ...
			$data->setValue('Settings.LinkAttrs.weblang', "$weblang");
			# old way of doing this ... (TODO: to be removed)
			$data->setValue('Data.PostData.weblang', "$weblang");
		} else {
			# no valid language was selected - so you may ignore it
			$data->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidLanguage');
	# import the configured resp. the temporarily selected language
	$data->readFile("$LANGUAGE_DIR/$config_language" . ".hdf");

	########## select documentation language ##########
	if (&validate_doc_language($config_language)) {
		# selected web interface language
		$data->setValue('Settings.DocLang', "$config_language");
	} elsif (&validate_doc_language($DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) {
		# configured CryptoBox language
		$data->setValue('Settings.DocLang', "$DEFAULT_LANGUAGE");
	} else {
		# default hardcoded language (english)
		$data->setValue('Settings.DocLang', "en");

# import the names of all available languages
sub get_available_languages {
	my $data = shift;
	my ($file, @files, $hdf, $lang_name);

	opendir(DIR, $LANGUAGE_DIR) or &fatal_error ("Language directory ($LANGUAGE_DIR) not accessible!");
	@files = sort grep { /.*\.hdf$/ } readdir(DIR);

	foreach $file (@files) {
		$hdf = ClearSilver::HDF->new();
		substr($file, -4) = "";
		$lang_name = $hdf->getValue("Lang.Name", "$file");
		$data->setValue("Data.Languages." . "$file", "$lang_name");

# look for preferred browser language setting
# this code was adapted from Per Cederberg - http://www.percederberg.net/home/perl/select.perl
# it returns an empty string, if no supported language was found
sub get_browser_language {
    my ($str, @langs, @res);

    # Use language preference settings
		@langs = split(/,/, $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'});
		foreach (@langs)
			# get the first part of the language setting
			($str) = ($_ =~ m/([a-z]+)/);
			# check, if it supported by the cryptobox
			$res[$#res+1] = $str if validate_language($str);
    # if everything fails - return empty string
	$res[0] = "" if ($#res lt 0);
	return $res[0];

sub log_msg {
	my $text = shift;
	open(LOGFILE,">> $LOG_FILE");
	print LOGFILE "$text";

sub check_ssl {
	# check, if we are behind a proxy with ssl (e.g. pound)
	return (0==0) if ($ENV{'HTTP_FRONT_END_HTTPS'} =~ m/^on$/i);
	# environment variable set (e.g. via apache directive "SetEnv HTTPS On")
	return (0==0) if ($ENV{'HTTPS'} =~ m/^on$/i);
	# port 80 -> not encrypted
	return (0==1) if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 80);
	# other ports -> maybe ok - we accept it
	return (0==0);

# check, if the given device is mounted/used somehow
# Paramter: device
sub check_mounted {
	my ($dev) = @_;
	return (system($CB_SCRIPT,"is_mounted",$dev) == 0);

sub check_config {
	return (system($CB_SCRIPT,"check_config") == 0);

sub exec_cb_script {
	my (@params) = @_;
	my ($pid, @result);
	&fatal_error("unable to fork process") unless defined($pid = open(PROG_OUT, "-|"));
	if (!$pid) {
		# child
		exec($CB_SCRIPT, @params) or &fatal_error("failed to execute $CB_SCRIPT!");
		exit 0;
	} else {
		# parent
		# only read lines containing at least one non-whitespace character
		@result = grep /\S/, <PROG_OUT>;
		foreach (@result) { chomp; }
		unless (close PROG_OUT) {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_WARN, "error while running $CB_SCRIPT (params:" . join(" ",@params) . "): $?");
			return undef;
	if (wantarray) {
		return @result;
	} elsif (@result > 0) {
		return join('',@result);
	} else {
		return "";

sub check_init_running {
	# TODO: improve this
	return (0==1);

# Parameter: device
sub check_device_plaintext {
	return (system("$CB_SCRIPT","is_plain",$1) == 0);

# Parameter: device
sub check_device_encryption {
	return (system("$CB_SCRIPT","is_encrypted",$1) == 0);

sub is_harddisk_available {
	my @all_disks = &exec_cb_script("get_available_disks");
	return @all_disks > 0;

sub get_available_disks {
	my @all_disks = &exec_cb_script("get_available_disks");
	my ($disk, @return_disks);
	foreach $disk (@all_disks) {
		$disk =~ m#^([/\._\-\w]*)$#;
		push @return_disks, $1 if ($1);
	return @return_disks;

sub get_disk_name {
	my ($dev) = @_;
	my $disk_name = &exec_cb_script("get_device_name", $dev);
	return $disk_name;

# return the value of a configuration setting (timeout, language, ip, ...)
# Parameter: setting_name
sub get_cbox_config {
	my ($setting) = @_;
	# tell the exec function, that we want a scalar instead of an array
	my $scalar = &exec_cb_script("get_config",$setting);
	return $scalar;

sub render {
	my $pagefile = "$HTML_TEMPLATE_DIR/main.cs";
	print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

	my $cs = ClearSilver::CS->new($pagedata);

	print $cs->render();

# mount an encrypted volume
# Parameter: device password
sub mount_vol {
	my ($device, $pw) = @_;

	if (&check_mounted($device)) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'IsMounted');
	} else {
		if ($pw eq '') {
			&exec_cb_script("crypto-up", $device);
		} else {
			open(PW_INPUT, "| $CB_SCRIPT crypto-up $device");
			print PW_INPUT $pw;

# unmount a volume
# Parameter: device
sub umount_vol {
	my ($device) = @_;
	if (&check_mounted($device)) {
		system($CB_SCRIPT, "crypto-down",$device);
	} else {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotMounted');

# Parameter: device passphrase
# ignore passphrase (or leave it empty) to create a plaintext volume
sub volume_init {
	my ($device, $crypto_pw) = @_;
	my $result;

	# only for encrypted volumes:
	# write passphrase to a file - necessary as perl in secured mode does not allow
	# the 'open(FH, "|/bin/prog ....")' call because of possible shell expansion - stupid 'open' :(
	if ($crypto_pw) {
		my ($fh, $temp_file);
		# generate a temporary filename (as suggested by the Perl Cookbook)
		do { $temp_file = POSIX::tmpnam() }
			# TODO: reduce the file mask to the minimum - maybe 0600 would be a good choice
			until $fh = IO::File->new($temp_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL);
		close $fh; 
		unless (open(TMP, ">$temp_file")) {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_ERROR, "could not open a temporary file");
			return (1==0);
		print TMP $crypto_pw;
		close TMP;
		$result = &exec_cb_script("device_init", $device, $temp_file);
		unlink ($temp_file) if (-e $temp_file);
	} else {
		$result = &exec_cb_script("device_init", $device);
	# just to be sure, that the file does not get left behind
	# usually the script should overwrite and remove it
	return defined($result);

sub box_purge {

sub system_poweroff {

sub system_reboot {

sub validate_ip {
	my $ip = shift;
	my @octets = split /\./, $ip;
	return 0 if ($#octets == 4);
	# check for values and non-digits
	return 0 if (($octets[0] <= 0) || ($octets[0] >= 255) || ($octets[0] =~ /\D/));
	return 0 if (($octets[1] < 0) || ($octets[1] >= 255) || ($octets[1] =~ /\D/));
	return 0 if (($octets[2] < 0) || ($octets[2] >= 255) || ($octets[2] =~ /\D/));
	return 0 if (($octets[3] <= 0) || ($octets[3] >= 255) || ($octets[3] =~ /\D/));
	return 1;

sub validate_timeout {
	my $timeout = shift;
	return 0 if ($timeout =~ /\D/);
	return 1;

# check for a valid interface language
sub validate_language {
	my $language = shift;
	# check for non-alphanumeric character
	return 0 if ($language =~ /\W/);
	return 0 if ($language eq "");
	return 0 if ( ! -e "$LANGUAGE_DIR/$language" . '.hdf');
	return 1;

# check for a valid documentation language
sub validate_doc_language {
	my $language = shift;
	# check for non-alphanumeric character
	return 0 if ($language =~ /\W/);
	return 0 if ($language eq "");
	return 0 if ( ! -e "$DOC_DIR/$language");
	return 1;

################### main #########################

$pagedata = load_hdf();
my $current_admin_pw;

my $action = $query->param('action');
$action =~ m#^([\w\._\-]*)$#;
$action = ($1)? $1 : '';

my $device = $query->param('device');
$device =~ m#^([/_\-\w\.]*)$#;
$device = ($1)? $1 : '';

# BEWARE: there are two kinds of actions:
#     * some require a harddisk
#     * some do not require a harddisk
# take care, that you put a new action into the appropriate block below

# first: check for ssl!
if ( ! &check_ssl()) {
	$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'NoSSL');
	# remove port number from HTTP_HOST
	my $hostname = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'};
	$hostname =~ s/:[0-9]*//;
	$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.URL', "https://" . $hostname . $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
	$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "3");
} elsif ($query->param('action')) {
	# here you may define all cases that do not require a harddisk #
	# put all other cases below the harddisk check                 #
	#################### show_log #######################
	if ($action eq 'show_log') {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_log');
	##################### doc ############################
	} elsif ($action eq 'doc') {
		if ($query->param('page')) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Doc.Page', $query->param('page'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_doc');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Doc.Page', 'CryptoBoxUser');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_doc');
	##################### poweroff ######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'system_ask') {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_system');
	##################### reboot ########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'shutdown_do') {
		if ($query->param('type') eq 'reboot') {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'ReBoot');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'show_status');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "180");
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'PowerOff');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
	##################### check for a harddisk ##########################
	# catch this error, to prevent all following actions from execution #
	} elsif ( ! &is_harddisk_available()) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'NoHardDisk');
	# here you may define all cases that require a harddisk #
	################ umount_do #######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'umount_do') {
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'emptu');
		} elsif ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif (&check_init_running()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'form_config');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "30");
		} elsif ( ! &check_mounted($device)) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotMounted');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} else {
			# unmounten
			if (&check_mounted($device)) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'UmountFailed');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
			} else {
				#$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'UmountDone');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
	################ mount_do ########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'mount_do') {
		my $is_encrypted = &check_device_encryption($device) if ($device ne '');
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
		} elsif ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif (&check_init_running()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'form_config');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "30");
		} elsif (&check_mounted($device)) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'IsMounted');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} elsif ($is_encrypted && ($query->param('crypto_password') eq '')) {
			# leeres Passwort
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'EmptyCryptoPassword');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} else	{
			# mounten
			if ($is_encrypted) {
				&mount_vol($device, $query->param('crypto_password'));
			} else {
			if (!&check_mounted($device)) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'MountFailed');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
			} else {
				#$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'MountDone');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
	################## mount_ask #######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'mount_ask') {
		if ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif (&check_init_running()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'form_config');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "30");
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_mount');
	################# umount_ask ########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'umount_ask') {
		if ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_umount');
	################## init_ask #########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'init_ask') {
		if (&check_init_running()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
		} elsif (&check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'AlreadyConfigured');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
	#################### init_do ########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'init_do') {
		$current_admin_pw = &get_cbox_config("admin_pw");
		if ($current_admin_pw ne '' && $current_admin_pw ne $query->param('current_admin_password')) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'WrongAdminPassword');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif ($query->param('admin_password') ne $query->param('admin_password2')) {
			# different admin-passwords
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'DifferentAdminPasswords');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif ($query->param('crypto_password') ne $query->param('crypto_password2')) {
			# different crypto-passwords
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'DifferentCryptoPasswords');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif ($query->param('crypto_password') eq '') {
			# empty password
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'EmptyCryptoPassword');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif ($query->param('confirm') ne $pagedata->getValue('Lang.Text.ConfirmInit','')) {
			# wrong confirm string
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotConfirmed');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} else {
			if (&volume_init($query->param('crypto_password'),$query->param('admin_password'))) {
				#$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'InitRunning');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
			} else {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'InitFailed');
	#################### config_ask ######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'config_ask') {
		if ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
	#################### config_do #######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'config_do') {
		my $query_language = $query->param('language');
		$query_language =~ m/^(\w+)$/; $query_language = $1;
		my $query_timeout = $query->param('timeout');
		$query_timeout =~ m/^(\d+)$/; $query_timeout = $1;
		if ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} else {
			$current_admin_pw = &get_cbox_config("admin_pw");
			if ($current_admin_pw ne '' && $current_admin_pw ne $query->param('current_admin_password')) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'WrongAdminPassword');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
			} elsif ( ! &validate_language($query_language)) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidLanguage');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
			} elsif ( ! &validate_timeout($query_timeout)) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidTimeOut');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
			} else {
				system($CB_SCRIPT, "set_config", "language", $query_language);
				system($CB_SCRIPT, "set_config", "timeout", $query_timeout);
				# check, if the ip was reconfigured
				# TODO: IP stuff should be moved to the live-cd stuff
				if (defined($query->param('ip')) && ($query->param('ip') ne &get_cbox_config("ip"))) {
					# set the new value
					system($CB_SCRIPT, "set_config", "ip", $query->param('ip'));
					# redirect to the new address
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.URL', "https://" . $query->param('ip') . $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "5");
					# display a warning for the redirection
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'IPAddressChanged');
				# check for success
				if (defined($query->param('timeout'))
						&& (&get_cbox_config("timeout") ne $query->param('timeout'))) {
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'ConfigTimeOutFailed');
				} elsif (defined($query->param('ip')) &&
						(&get_cbox_config("ip") ne $query->param('ip'))) {
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'ConfigIPFailed');
				} elsif (defined($query->param('language'))
						&& (&get_cbox_config("language") ne $query->param('language'))) {
					$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'ConfigLanguageFailed');
				} else {
					#$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'ConfigSaved');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'show_status');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "30");
	############## change volume name ###################
	} elsif ($action eq 'volume_name_set') {
		my $volume_name = $query->param('volume_name');
		# remove all special characters which are not white-listed
		$volume_name =~ s#[^\w \-_\#/\(\)\[\]]##g;
		# untaint variable
		$volume_name =~ m#^(.*)$#; $volume_name = $1;
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
		} elsif (&check_mounted($device)) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} elsif ($volume_name eq '') {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} else {
			my $new_volume_name = &exec_cb_script('get_device_name',$device);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning','SetVolumeNameFailed') unless ($new_volume_name eq $volume_name);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
	############ initialize volume (form) ###############
	} elsif ($action eq 'volume_init_ask') {
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
		} elsif (&check_mounted($device)) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.InitParams.encrypted',defined($query->param('encryption'))? 1 : 0);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init_partition');
	############### initialize volume ###################
	} elsif ($action eq 'volume_init_do') {
		$current_admin_pw = &get_cbox_config("admin_pw");
		# remember the current "encryption" setting - just in case, we want to emit a warning and
		# return to the same screen
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.InitParams.encrypted',defined($query->param('encryption'))? 1 : 0);
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
		} elsif (&check_mounted($device)) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
		} elsif ($current_admin_pw ne ''
				&& $current_admin_pw ne $query->param('current_admin_password')) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'WrongAdminPassword');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init_partition');
		} elsif (defined($query->param('encryption')) && ($query->param('crypto_password') ne $query->param('crypto_password2'))) {
			# different crypto-passwords
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'DifferentCryptoPasswords');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init_partition');
		} elsif (defined($query->param('encryption')) && ($query->param('crypto_password') eq '')) {
			# empty password
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'EmptyCryptoPassword');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init_partition');
		} elsif ($query->param('confirm') ne $pagedata->getValue('Lang.Text.ConfirmInit','')) {
			# wrong confirm string
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotConfirmed');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init_partition');
		} else {
			my $init_result;
			if (defined($query->param('encryption'))) {
				$init_result = &volume_init($device,$query->param('crypto_password'));
			} else {
				$init_result = &volume_init($device);
			if ($init_result) {
				#$pagedata->setValue('Data.Success', 'InitRunning');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
			} else {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'InitFailed');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
	################## volume info ######################
	} elsif ($action eq 'show_volume') {
		if ($device eq '') {
			&debug_msg(DEBUG_INFO, "invalid device: " . $query->param('device'));
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InvalidDevice');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_volume');
	#################### status #########################
	} elsif ($action eq 'show_status') {
		if ( ! &check_config()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'NotInitialized');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
		} elsif (&check_init_running()) {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'form_config');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "30");
		} else {
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'show_status');
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "60");
	################### box_purge #######################
	# if we find an existing config partition, then check the adminpw
	} elsif ($action eq 'do_purge') {
		if ( &check_config()) {
			$current_admin_pw = &get_cbox_config("admin_pw");
			if ($current_admin_pw ne '' && $current_admin_pw ne $query->param('current_admin_password')) {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'WrongAdminPassword');
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_config');
			} else {
				$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');
	################### unknown #########################
	} else {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'UnknownAction');
#################### default action ##########################
# check for a harddisk again, as this check was skipped
# because there was no action defined
} elsif ( ! &is_harddisk_available()) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Error', 'NoHardDisk');
} else {
	if (&check_init_running()) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Warning', 'InitNotFinished');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'empty');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'form_config');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "60");
	} elsif (&check_config()) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'show_status');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Action', 'show_status');
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Redirect.Delay', "60");
	} else {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', 'form_init');

# check state of the cryptobox
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Status.Config', &check_config() ? 1 : 0);
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Status.InitRunning', &check_init_running() ? 1 : 0);

my $output = &get_cbox_config("admin_pw");
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Config.AdminPasswordIsSet', 1) if ($output ne '');

$output = join ("<br/>", &exec_cb_script("diskinfo"));

# preset config settings for clearsilver
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Config.IP', &get_cbox_config("ip"));
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Config.TimeOut', &get_cbox_config("timeout"));
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Config.Language', &get_cbox_config("language"));

# read log and add html linebreaks
$output = '';
if (-e "$LOG_FILE") {
	open(LOGFILE, "< $LOG_FILE");
	while (<LOGFILE>) { $output .= "$_<br/>" }

$pagedata->setValue('Data.Status.DevelopmentMode', 1) if ($IS_DEVEL);

# save QUERY_STRING (e.g. for weblang-links)
my $querystring = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
# remove weblang setting
$querystring =~ s/weblang=\w\w&?//;
$pagedata->setValue('Data.QueryString', "$querystring") if ($querystring ne '');

$pagedata->setValue('Data.Version', CRYPTOBOX_VERSION);

my ($one_disk, $one_name, $isActive, $isEncrypted, $isPlaintext);
my $avail_counter = 0; my $active_counter = 0; my $passive_counter = 0;
for $one_disk (&get_available_disks()) {
	$one_name = &get_disk_name($one_disk);
	$isEncrypted = &check_device_encryption($one_disk);
	$isPlaintext = &check_device_plaintext($one_disk);
	$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.available.${avail_counter}.encryption", $isEncrypted? 1 : 0);
	$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.available.${avail_counter}.plaintext", $isPlaintext? 1 : 0);
	$isActive = &check_mounted($one_disk);
	if ($isActive) {
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.active.${active_counter}.encryption", $isEncrypted? 1 : 0);
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.active.${active_counter}.plaintext", $isPlaintext? 1 : 0);
	} else {
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.passive.${passive_counter}.encryption", $isEncrypted? 1 : 0);
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.Disks.passive.${passive_counter}.plaintext", $isPlaintext? 1 : 0);
	if ($device eq $one_disk) {
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.device', $one_disk);
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.name', $one_name);
		$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.active', $isActive? 1 : 0);
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.CurrentDisk.encryption", $isEncrypted? 1 : 0);
		$pagedata->setValue("Data.CurrentDisk.plaintext", $isPlaintext? 1 : 0);
		# retrieve capacity information if the device is mounted
		if (&check_mounted($device)) {
			my $cap_info = &exec_cb_script("get_capacity_info",$device);
			# filter the relevant values (a simple split is not working, as the device name may
			# contain spaces
			$cap_info =~ m#^.*\s+([0-9\.,]+\w)\s+([0-9\.,]+\w)\s+([0-9\.,]+\w)\s+([0-9\.,]+\%)\s+#;
			my ($cap_size, $cap_used, $cap_free, $cap_percent) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.used', $cap_used);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.free', $cap_free);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.size', $cap_size);
			$pagedata->setValue('Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.percent', $cap_percent);


close STDOUT;

exit 0;