output of log action fixed
added some RFCs added some unittests for CryptoBox config handling
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 139 additions and 86 deletions
@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ class CryptoBox:
put things like logging, conf and oter stuff in here,
that might be used by more classes, it will be passed on to them'''
def __init__(self, config_file=None):
# choose an exit function
if __name__ == "__main__":
self.errorExit = self.errorExitProg
self.errorExit = self.errorExitMod
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ class CryptoBox:
self.log.info("loggingsystem is up'n running")
## from now on everything can be logged via self.log...
sys.errorExit("SystemError","Couldn't initialise the loggingsystem. I give up.")
self.errorExit("SystemError","Couldn't initialise the loggingsystem. I give up.")
def __initPreferences(self, config_file):
@ -99,19 +104,24 @@ class CryptoBox:
except KeyError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not find one of these configuration settings: [Main]->DataDir and [Main]->NameDatabase - please check your config file(%s)" % config_file)
if os.path.exists(nameDB_file):
self.nameDB = configobj.ConfigObj(nameDB_file)
self.nameDB = configobj.ConfigObj(nameDB_file, create_empty=True)
except SyntaxError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","Error during parsing of name database file (%s).\n" % (nameDB_file, ))
# TODO: check if nameDB file was created successfully?
## create nameDB is necessary
if os.path.exists(nameDB_file):
self.nameDB = configobj.ConfigObj(nameDB_file)
self.nameDB = configobj.ConfigObj(nameDB_file, create_empty=True)
## check if nameDB file was created successfully?
if not os.path.exists(nameDB_file):
self.errorExit("ConfigError","failed to create name database (%s)" % nameDB_file)
# get the loglevel
log_level = self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Level"].upper()
log_level_avail = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR"]
if not log_level in log_level_avail:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","invalid log level: %s is not in %s" % (self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Level"], log_level_avail))
except KeyError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not find the configuration setting [Log]->Level in the config file (%s)" % config_file)
except TypeError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","invalid log level: %s" % self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Level"])
@ -121,8 +131,9 @@ class CryptoBox:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not find a configuration setting: [Log]->Details - please check your config file(%s)" % config_file)
new_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(module)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
# do not call parent's handlers
## do not call parent's handlers
self.log.propagate = False
## use 'getattr' as 'log_level' is a string
except IOError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not open logfile: %s" % self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Details"])
@ -130,6 +141,7 @@ class CryptoBox:
# do some initial checks
def __runTests(self):
## try to run 'super' with 'CryptoBoxRootActions'
devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
except IOError:
@ -144,6 +156,8 @@ class CryptoBox:
except OSError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not find: %s" % self.cbxPrefs["Programs"]["super"])
except KeyError:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","could not find one of these configurations settings: [Programs]->super or [Programs]->CryptoBoxRootActions in the config file")
if proc.returncode != 0:
self.errorExit("ConfigError","Could not call CryptoBoxRootActions by 'super' - maybe you did not add the appropriate line to /etc/super.tab?")
@ -210,6 +224,31 @@ class CryptoBoxProps(CryptoBox):
return False
def getLogData(self, lines=None, maxSize=None):
"""get the most recent log entries of the cryptobox
the maximum number and size of these entries can be limited by 'lines' and 'maxSize'
# return nothing if the currently selected log output is not a file
empty = [""]
if self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Destination"].upper() != "FILE": return empty
log_file = self.cbxPrefs["Log"]["Details"]
except KeyError:
self.log.error("could not evaluate one of the following config settings: [Log]->Destination or [Log]->Details")
return empty
fd = open(log_file, "r")
if maxSize: content = fd.readlines(maxSize)
else: content = fd.readlines()
except IOError:
self.log.warn("failed to read the log file (%s)" % log_file)
return empty
if lines: content = content[-lines:]
return content
def getContainerList(self, filterType=None, filterName=None):
"retrieve the list of all containers of this cryptobox"
@ -349,11 +388,6 @@ class CryptoBoxProps(CryptoBox):
except OSError:
return []
# choose an exit function
if __name__ == "__main__":
CryptoBox.errorExit = CryptoBox.errorExitProg
CryptoBox.errorExit = CryptoBox.errorExitMod
if __name__ == "__main__":
cb = CryptoBox()
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.4
TODO: implement "getCapacity"
# check python version
## check python version
import sys
(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_sub, ver_desc, ver_subsub) = sys.version_info
if (ver_major < 2) or ((ver_major == 2) and (ver_minor < 4)):
@ -39,7 +35,7 @@ class CryptoBoxContainer:
__fsTypes = {
"plain":["ext3", "ext2", "vfat", "reiser"],
"TODO: mehr Dateisystemtypen? / 'reiser' pruefen"
# TODO: more filesystem types? / check 'reiser'
__dmDir = "/dev/mapper"
@ -57,7 +53,6 @@ class CryptoBoxContainer:
def setName(self, new_name):
"TODO: den Test-Code pruefen"
if new_name == self.name: return
if self.isMounted():
raise "VolumeIsActive", "the container must be inactive during renaming"
@ -148,6 +143,7 @@ class CryptoBoxContainer:
errorMsg = "Could not add a new luks key: %s - %s" % (output.strip(), errout.strip(), )
raise "ChangePasswordError", errorMsg
## retrieve the key slot we used for unlocking
keys_found = re.search(r'key slot (\d{1,3}) unlocked', output).groups()
if keys_found:
keyslot = int(keys_found[0])
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import CryptoBoxWebserverSites
import cherrypy
print "could not import cherrypy module! Try apt-get install python-cherrypy."
print "Could not import the cherrypy module! Try 'apt-get install python-cherrypy'."
class CryptoBoxWebserver:
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserver:
#I currently have no idea how to cleanly extract the stylesheet path from
#the config object without an extra CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps instance.
#perhaps put config handling into a seperate class in CryptoBox.py?
# [l] why do we need to map the css manually? Shouldn't the whole
# www-data path be accessible anyway?
"/cryptobox.css": {
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import CryptoBoxWebserverSettings
import CryptoBoxWebserverRender
website = CryptoBoxWebserverRender.CryptoBoxWebserverRender()
# is it necessary to inherit these both classes?
# for clarity they should be just instanciated - or not?
class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettings.CryptoBoxWebserverSettings):
url2func = {'index':'show_status','doc':'show_doc','logs':'show_log'}
@ -14,9 +16,11 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
The default site to render is 'show_status'.
Self.settings is filled by the following methodcall
thus every rendered site will get actual values from the configfile.
After that the concrete site-method (e.g. doc) may set individual values.
After that the corresponding site-method (e.g. doc) may set individual values.
# RFC: the following line somehow implicitly calls 'setSettings(self, self)'
# should it be that way? [l]
self.settings["Data.Action"] = action
@ -29,7 +33,9 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
Every single site method has to call this before even looking
at url-given parameters.
This has to be called manually, since I don't see any other way of
sanitizing input automatically for all sites.'''
sanitizing input automatically for all sites.
# RFC: why shouldn't it be called in __init__? [l]
#TODO: generate languages from existing hdf files
niceparams = { 'weblang': ('', 'de', 'en'),
'loglevel': ('','info', 'warn', 'debug', 'error'),
@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
for evilkey in evilparams.keys():
## if the param isn't in the niceparams list, ignore it
if not niceparams.get(evilkey):
self.log.warn("irgnoring \"%s\"" % evilkey)
self.log.warn("ignoring \"%s\"" % evilkey)
return False
#TODO: until now only a warning message is printed
## if the param has no such value, set it to a default (the first in the list)
@ -47,28 +53,33 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
#TODO: set it to: niceparams.get(evilkey)[0]))
def __check_config(self):
def __check_init_running(self):
## put real sites down here and don't forget to expose the mat the end
## put real sites down here and don't forget to expose them at the end
def logs(self, loglevel=""):
'''displays a HTML version of the logfile
The loglevel has to be set and nothing else, as we just log in
Be awar not to name this method just "log" as it seems to be a
reserved word.'''
The loglevel has to be set and nothing else, as we just log in english.
RFC: what does this mean? We still have to save the current language - or not?
Be aware not to name this method just "log" as it seems to be a
reserved word.
# RFC: maybe it conflicts with CryptoBoxProps.log - which we inherited?
import filehandling
self.settings["Data.Log"] = filehandling.read_file(self.settings["Log.Details"])
self.settings["Data.Log"] = "<br/>".join(self.getLogData(lines=30, maxSize=2000))
#TODO: give the logs a nice format for displaying as html
# sed s/$/<\/br>/
return website.render(self)
@ -90,46 +101,52 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
self.settings["Data.Action"] = "show_status"
self.settings["Data.Redirect.Delay"] = "60"
return website.render(self)
def config(self,weblang=""):
def doc(self,action="",page="",weblang=""):
'''prints the offline wikipage
TODO: action is unnessessary, remove here and from all html
files in doc/html/[de|en]/*
# RFC: sanitize?
if page:
self.settings["Data.Doc.Page"] = page
if page == "":
self.settings["Data.Doc.Page"] ="CryptoBoxUser"
if not weblang == "":
# TODO: check if there is a 'weblang' translation available for the docs
self.settings["Settings.DocLang"] = weblang
return website.render(self)
def system(self,type=""):
def system(self,typeOfShutdown=""):
if type == "reboot":
if typeOfShutdown == "reboot":
self.settings["Data.Success"] = "ReBoot"
self.settings["Data.Redirect.Action"] = "show_status"
self.settings["Data.Redirect.Delay"] = "180"
self.log.info("TODO: call function for system reboot")
elif type == "poweroff":
elif typeOfShutdown == "poweroff":
self.settings["Data.Success"] = "PowerOff"
self.log.info("TODO: call function for system shutdown")
self.log.warn("someone tried to shutdown the system")
self.log.warn("someone tried to shutdown the system in a broken way (%s)" % typeOfShutdown)
return website.render(self)
def index(self):
return website.render(self)
## DONE: this functions are pythonized
## DONE: these functions are pythonized
#################### show_log #######################
##################### doc ############################
##################### poweroff ######################
@ -182,6 +199,7 @@ class CryptoBoxWebserverSites(CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps, CryptoBoxWebserverSettin
#at cryptobox.pl line 568
## to make the sites visible through the webserver they must be exposed here
index.exposed = True
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.4
import unittest
import sys
class CryptoBoxPropsDeviceTests(unittest.TestCase):
import CryptoBox
@ -34,49 +35,28 @@ class CryptoBoxPropsConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
tmpdirname = ""
filenames = {}
configContentOK = """
AllowedDevices = /dev/loop
DefaultVolumePrefix = "Data "
DataDir = %s
NameDatabase = cryptobox_names.db
User = 1000
Group = 1000
MountParentDir = %s/mnt
DefaultCipher = aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
Level = debug
Destination = file
#Details = %s/cryptobox.log
Details = /tmp/cryptobox.log
blkid = /sbin/blkid
cryptsetup = /sbin/cryptsetup
super = /usr/bin/super
CryptoBoxRootActions = CryptoBoxRootActions"""
AllowedDevices = /dev/loop
DefaultVolumePrefix = "Data "
DataDir = %s
NameDatabase = cryptobox_names.db
User = 1000
Group = 1000
MountParentDir = %s/mnt
DefaultCipher = aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
Level = debug
Destination = file
Details = %s/cryptobox.log
blkid = /sbin/blkid
cryptsetup = /sbin/cryptsetup
super = /usr/bin/super
CryptoBoxRootActions = CryptoBoxRootActions
configContentBroken = """
AllowedDevices = /dev/loop
DefaultVolumePrefix = "Data "
#DataDir = %s
NameDatabase = cryptobox_names.db
User = 1000
Group = 1000
MountParentDir = %s/mnt
DefaultCipher = aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
Level = debug
Destination = file
#Details = %s/cryptobox.log
Details = /tmp/cryptobox.log
blkid = /sbin/blkid
cryptsetup = /sbin/cryptsetup
super = /usr/bin/super
CryptoBoxRootActions = CryptoBoxRootActions"""
def setUp(self):
'''generate all files in tmp and remember the names'''
import tempfile
@ -84,12 +64,7 @@ class CryptoBoxPropsConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="cbox-")
for file in self.files.keys():
self.filenames[file] = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, self.files[file])
cf = open(self.filenames["configFileOK"], "w")
cf.write(self.configContentOK % (self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname))
cf = open(self.filenames["configFileBroken"], "w")
cf.write(self.configContentBroken % (self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname))
def tearDown(self):
@ -106,15 +81,43 @@ class CryptoBoxPropsConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testConfigInit(self):
'''Check various branches of config file loading'''
import os
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,"/invalid/path/to/config/file")
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,"/etc/shadow")
for a in self.CryptoBox.CONF_LOCATIONS:
if os.path.exists(a): self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps()
else: self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps)
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,[])
def testBrokenConfigs(self):
"""Check various broken configurations"""
self.writeConfig("NameDatabase", "#out", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("Level", "#out", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("Details", "#out", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("super", "super=/bin/invalid/no", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("CryptoBoxRootActions", "#not here", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("CryptoBoxRootActions", "CryptoBoxRootActions = /bin/false", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises("ConfigError", self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
# TODO: check details of different ConfigError-exceptions
# TODO: use different kind of broken setups ...
def writeConfig(self, replace=None, newline=None, filename=None):
"""write a config file and (optional) replace a line in it"""
import re
if not filename: filename = self.filenames["configFileOK"]
content = self.configContentOK % (self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname)
if replace:
pattern = re.compile('^' + replace + '\\s*=.*$', flags=re.M)
content = re.sub(pattern, newline, content)
cf = open(filename, "w")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add table
Reference in a new issue