# # Copyright 2006 sense.lab e.V. # # This file is part of the CryptoBox. # # The CryptoBox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The CryptoBox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """The logs feature of the CryptoBox. """ __revision__ = "$Id" import cryptobox.plugins.base import os import re import datetime LOG_LEVELS = [ 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' ] LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) " \ + r"(?P\d{2}):(?P\d{2}):\d{2},\d{3} (?P" \ + "|".join([ "(?:%s)" % e for e in LOG_LEVELS]) + r"): (?P.*)$") class logs(cryptobox.plugins.base.CryptoBoxPlugin): """The logs feature of the CryptoBox. """ plugin_capabilities = [ "system" ] plugin_visibility = [ "preferences" ] request_auth = False rank = 90 def do_action(self, lines=50, size=3000, level=None): """Show the latest part of the log file. """ ## filter input try: lines = int(lines) if lines <= 0: raise(ValueError) except ValueError: self.cbox.log.info("[logs] invalid line number: %s" % str(lines)) lines = 50 try: size = int(size) if size <= 0: raise(ValueError) except ValueError: self.cbox.log.info("[logs] invalid log size: %s" % str(size)) size = 3000 if not level is None: level = str(level) if not level in LOG_LEVELS: self.cbox.log.info("[logs] invalid log level: %s" % str(level)) level = None for (index, line) in enumerate(self.__filter_log_content(lines, size, level)): self.__set_line_hdf_data(self.hdf_prefix + "Content.%d" % index, line) self.hdf[self.hdf_prefix + "Destination"] = self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Destination"].lower() return "show_log" def get_status(self): """The current status includes the log configuration details. """ return "%s:%s:%s" % ( self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Level"], self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Destination"], self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Details"]) def __filter_log_content(self, lines, max_size, level): """Filter, sort and shorten the log content. """ if level and level in LOG_LEVELS: filtered_levels = LOG_LEVELS[:] ## only the given and higher levels are accepted while filtered_levels[0] != level: del filtered_levels[0] content = [] current_length = 0 for line in self.__get_log_data(): ## search for matching lines for the given log level for one_level in filtered_levels: if line.find(" %s: " % one_level) != -1: break else: ## the line does not contain an appropriate level name continue ## we found a line that fits content.append(line) current_length += len(line) if lines and len(content) >= lines: break if max_size and current_length >= max_size: break else: content = self.__get_log_data(lines, max_size) return content def __set_line_hdf_data(self, hdf_prefix, line): """Parse the log line for time and log level. If parsing fails, then the output line is simply displayed without meta information. """ self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".Text"] = line.strip() match = LINE_REGEX.match(line) if not match: ## we could not parse the line - just return the text without meta info return ## matching was successfully - we can parse the line for details ## calculate time difference of log line (aka: age of event) try: (year, month, day, hour, minute) = match.group( 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute') (year, month, day, hour, minute) = \ (int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute)) ## timediff is a timedelta object timediff = datetime.datetime.today() - \ datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute) ## the time units (see below) correspond to the names within the language ## file: Text.TimeUnits.Days ... if timediff.days >= 1: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Unit"] = 'Days' self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Value"] = timediff.days elif timediff.seconds >= 3600: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Unit"] = 'Hours' self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Value"] = timediff.seconds / 3600 elif timediff.seconds >= 60: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Unit"] = 'Minutes' self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Value"] = timediff.seconds / 60 else: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Unit"] = 'Seconds' self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".TimeDiff.Value"] = timediff.seconds except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError, IndexError), err_msg: pass ## retrieve the level try: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".Level"] = match.group('level') except IndexError: pass try: self.hdf[hdf_prefix + ".Text"] = match.group('text').strip() except IndexError: pass def __get_log_data(self, lines=None, max_size=None): """get the most recent log entries of the log file the maximum number and size of these entries can be limited by 'lines' and 'max_size' """ # return nothing if the currently selected log output is not a file try: if self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Destination"].upper() != "FILE": return [] log_file = self.cbox.prefs["Log"]["Details"] except KeyError: self.cbox.log.error( "could not evaluate one of the following config settings: " + "[Log]->Destination or [Log]->Details") return [] try: fdesc = open(log_file, "r") if max_size: fdesc.seek(-max_size, 2) # seek relative to the end of the file content = fdesc.readlines() fdesc.close() except IOError: self.cbox.log.warn("failed to read the log file (%s)" % log_file) return [] if lines: content = content[-lines:] content.reverse() return content