##deb-live/config/cnas-custom-settings.d/release-settings ##Activate release-specific live-helper settings ## ##To build a "release" version, this file should ##be copied to the cnas-custom-settings.d ##directory, where it will be sourced by ##the live-helper scripts. # $LH_PACKAGES_LISTS: set package list to install # Use "cryptonas" for CryptoNAS releases LH_PACKAGES_LISTS="cryptonas" #LH_BINARY_IMAGES="iso" #LH_BINARY_IMAGES="usb-hdd" # $LH_SOURCE: Create a source code tarball? LH_SOURCE="enabled" LH_SOURCE_IMAGES="tar" #Disable console login and enable other security measures #CNAS_HARDNESS="devel" CNAS_HARDNESS="secure" #Security update breaks CherryPy under Debian Etch LH_SECURITY="disabled" #Not easy to use custom keyrings with the version of `live-helper' #we're building under, so use workaround: LH_APT_SECURE="true" APT_OPTIONS="--yes --force-yes" #Use the permanent Etch snapshot since Etch is no longer on the mirrors: LH_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP="http://browncoat:3142/apt-cacher/snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20100430T222505Z" #This is required due to a bug in the "lh_source" stage script(s) LH_DEBUG="disabled" LH_VERBOSE="disabled"