
158 lines
5.3 KiB
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CryptoBox-Server 0.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-03 12:00+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-06 15:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: tenzin <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 0.10.1\n"
#: Title.Top
msgid "The CryptoBox"
msgstr "The CryptoBox"
#: Title.Slogan
msgid "Privacy for the rest of us."
msgstr "Zasebnost za vse"
#: Title.Volume
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Posamezen del "
#: Title.AccessDenied
msgid "Access denied"
msgstr "Dostop zavrnjen "
#: Text.EnterCurrentPassword
msgid "Enter the current password"
msgstr "Vnesite trenutno veljavno geslo"
#: Text.EnterNewPassword
msgid "Enter new password"
msgstr "Vnesite novo geslo"
#: Text.EnterSamePassword
msgid "Repeat new password"
msgstr "Ponovite novo geslo"
#: Text.RedirectNote
msgid "Click here if your browser does not support automatic redirection."
msgstr "Kliknite če vaš iskalnik ne podpira avtomatične preusmeritve."
#: Text.ProjectHomePage
msgid "Website of project"
msgstr "Spletna stran projekta"
#: Text.ProjectNote
msgid "The CryptoBox is a project of"
msgstr "CryptoBox je projekt"
#: Text.ContainerName
msgid "Volume's name"
msgstr "Ime posameznega dela"
#: Button.EnableHelp
msgid "Enable help"
msgstr "Omogoči pomoč"
#: Button.DisableHelp
msgid "Disable help"
msgstr "Onesposobi pomoč"
#: AdviceMessage.VolumeIsBusy.Title
msgid "Busy volume"
msgstr "nosilec je zaposlen"
#: AdviceMessage.VolumeIsBusy.Text
msgid "This volume is currently busy. Please wait for a moment."
msgstr "Ta nosilec je trenutno zaposlen. Prosimo počakajte trenutek."
#: AdviceMessage.VolumeIsBusy.Link.Text
msgid "Show all disks"
msgstr "Prikaži vse diske"
#: WarningMessage.AccessDenied.Title
msgid "Invalid access credentials"
msgstr "Neveljavno vstopno priporočilo"
#: WarningMessage.AccessDenied.Text
msgid "Sorry - you did not enter the right credentials! Maybe you should try the default setting: username=>'admin' / password=>'admin'."
msgstr "Oprostite - niste vnesli pravilnega priporočila.poskusite z: uporabniško ime=>'admin' / geslo=>'admin'."
#: WarningMessage.EmptyPassword.Title
msgid "Missing password"
msgstr "Manjka geslo"
#: WarningMessage.EmptyPassword.Text
msgid "You have to enter a password!"
msgstr "Vnesti morate geslo!"
#: WarningMessage.EmptyNewPassword.Title
msgid "Missing new password"
msgstr "Novo geslo manjka"
#: WarningMessage.EmptyNewPassword.Text
msgid "You have to enter a new password!"
msgstr "Vnesti morate novo geslo"
#: WarningMessage.DifferentPasswords.Title
msgid "Different passwords"
msgstr "Gesli sta različni"
#: WarningMessage.DifferentPasswords.Text
msgid "The passwords you entered did not match."
msgstr "Gesli, ki ste ju vnesli se ne ujemata. "
#: WarningMessage.InvalidDevice.Title
msgid "Invalid device"
msgstr "Neveljavna naprava"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidDevice.Text
msgid "The device you have chosen is invalid!"
msgstr "Naprava, ki ste jo izbrali ni veljavna!"
#: WarningMessage.VolumeMayNotBeMounted.Title
msgid "The volume is open"
msgstr "Ta vsebina je odprta"
#: WarningMessage.VolumeMayNotBeMounted.Text
msgid "This action is not available while the volume is active. Please close it first."
msgstr "Ta dejavnost je onemogočena, dokler imate vsebino odprto. Prosimo zaprite ta del."
#: WarningMessage.VolumeMayNotBeMounted.Link.Text
msgid "Close volume"
msgstr "Zapri vsebino"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidAction.Title
msgid "Invalid request"
msgstr "Neveljavna zahteva"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidAction.Text
msgid "Sorry - I do not know how to handle this request. If you think, that this is a bug, then you should send the most recent part of the CryptoBox log to"
msgstr "Oprostite - zahteve ne morem izvesti.Če menite, da je v igri hrošč, prosimo, pošljite nedaven del Cryptobox log na"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidAction.Link.Text
msgid "View log"
msgstr "Poglej log"
#: WarningMessage.RuntimeError.Title
msgid "Something weird happened"
msgstr "Nekaj nenavadno čudaškega se je zgodilo"
#: WarningMessage.RuntimeError.Text
msgid "We (the developer of the CryptoBox) would like to fix this problem for you and others. Please send the most recent part of the CryptoBox log to Thanks for your contribution!"
msgstr "Razvijalci Cryptoboxa želimo rešiti ta problem za vas in vse ostale. Prosimo pošljite najnovejši - trenutni del CryptoBox log na Hvala za vaše sodelovanje!"
#: WarningMessage.DeviceNotWriteable.Title
msgid "No write permissions"
msgstr "Ni dovoljenja za zapisovanje"
#: WarningMessage.DeviceNotWriteable.Text
msgid "Sorry - the CryptoBox is not allowed to write on this device. Anyway it is still possible, that you can open it and change its content. Please ask the administrator of the CryptoBox in case you believe, that this is a mistake."
msgstr "Oprostite - Cryptobox-u ni dovoljeno zapisovati na to napravo. Možen pa je dostop do podatkov in spreminjanje njih vsebine. Prosimo vprašajte o tem administratorja Cryptoboxa, vkolikor menite da gre za napako."