msgid "You can easily change the password of an encrypted volume. Just enter the current password and type your new password twice. No data will get lost."
msgstr "Z lahkoto lahko spremeniš geslo kriptiranega nosiulca (vsebine, dela). Vse kar moraš storiti je, da vneseš trenutno geslo, nato vneseš novo geslo - dvakrat. S tem dejanjem ne boste izgubili nobenega podatka."
#: AdviceMessage.FormatForEncryptionSupport.Text
msgid "This volume is not encrypted. If you want to turn on encryption, then you have to format the volume. Beware: this will erase all data from this volume."
msgstr "Ta vsebina ni kriptirana. V kolikor želite vključiti inkripcijo, morate ta del, vsebino formatirati. Vendar POZOR: s tem boste zbrisali vse podatke, ki so trenutno na tem nosilcu. "